September Activity Calendar

January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Curriculum Activity:
Select an Activity from the Main Shape Page

Additional Activity:
Make an “All About Me” Book.

Curriculum Activity:
Select an Activity from the Main Color Page

Additional Activity:
Draw a picture and send it to a grandparent.

Curriculum Activity:
Select an Activity from the Main Letter Page

Additional Activity:
Use an ABC playdough mat to practice letter shapes.

Curriculum Activity:
Select an Activity from the Lifelong Learning Page

Additional Activity:
Make a growth chart for recording your child’s height. Talk about measurements.

Curriculum Activity:
Select an Activity from the Main Number Page

Additional Activity:
Make a 
bubble solution. Use different objects to make bubbles (fly swatters, slotted spoons, etc.).

Curriculum Activity:
Repeated Reading

Read Khalil and Mr. Hagerty
by Tricia Springstubb

Additional Activity:
Talk about the characteristics of an apple and how they grow, cut an apple into two pieces.

Curriculum Activity:
Reread Khalil and Mr. Hagerty
by Tricia Springstubb

Additional Activity:
Snack on Apple slices sprinkled with cinnamon or dipped in an apple dip.

Curriculum Activity:
Play with Sounds & Words

Additional Activity:
Tell the  Little Red House story. Cut an apple in half (two pieces) to illustrate the story.

Curriculum Activity:
Reread Khalil and Mr. Hagerty
by Tricia Springstubb

Additional Activity:
Give your child a laundry basket and let him/her go on a red scavenger hunt.

Curriculum Activity:
Activity tied to Khalil & Mr. Hagerty

Additional Activity:
Dip jar lids in red paint to make circle prints on paper.

Curriculum Activity:
Nursery Rhyme
The Wheels on the Bus

Additional Activity:
Use set of magnetic alphabet letters and spell out your child's name.

Curriculum Activity:
Play with Patterns

Additional Activity:
Fill a bag with shapes. Have your child name the shape as they pull it out. 

Curriculum Activity:
Concepts of Print

Additional Activity:
Cut squares, circles, triangles and have your child create a shape train.

Curriculum Activity:
Telling Stories

Additional Activity:
Go on a shape scavenger hunt.

Curriculum Activity:
Living Things and Light

Additional Activity:
Cut out different shapes from a magazine and glue them to a paper. Label the shapes.

Curriculum Activity:
Building Friendships

Additional Activity:
Gather up all of the hats in your house. Sort them by like characteristics. 

Curriculum Activity:
Dance to Express Emotions

Additional Activity:
Using the cat outline, make a calico cat by glueing different colored squares of tissue paper over the outline.

Curriculum Activity:
Play with Words

Additional Activity:
Have a teddy bear picnic with some neighborhood children. Sort the teddy bears into like characteristics.  

Curriculum Activity:
Personal Information and Identity

Additional Activity:
Make eyeglasses and go on a seeing walk. Play “I spy” and identify what you see .

Curriculum Activity:
Object Manipulation

Additional Activity:
Put a bowl of water outside and let it evaporate. Discuss evaporation.

*Main pages have been created to allow you to select what skills your child(ren) needs to learn within that category. Repeated and frequent meaningful exposure to lifelong learning skills, letters, numbers, shapes, and colors builds a strong foundation for learning.