Early Childhood Professional

Early Childhood Standards
Early Learning Standards: Ages 3-5

The purpose of the Utah Early Learning Standards is to help preschool programs and parents make informed decisions regarding developmentally appropriate practice and progression across academic content areas in order to help prepare children for kindergarten.
UEN Early childhood critical issues series
UEN’s Early Childhood Critical Issues Series

This community collaboration aims to provide Utah audiences a multi-platform opportunity to understand community issues around early childhood education across the state.


Professional Development

The Children's Center Utah
Online Early Childhood Courses

The Utah State Board of Education, University of Washington and Utah Department of Workforce Services Office of Childcare in partnership with UEN’s Preschool Path are offering online courses to better meet the needs of those Utah early child educators.
The Children's Center Utah
Mental Health Webinars

The Children’s Center Utah is now offering webinars focused on Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health (IECMH) topics. These webinars are offered at no cost to providers seeking to learn about IECMH.
Early Edu
Early EdU

Early EdU provides online college-level courses to early childhood educators throughout Utah. Each three-credit class costs participants less than $75.* Transcripts are provided by Southern Utah University upon successful completion of a course.
Early Edu
TEACH Early Childhood® Utah Scholarship

 TEACH  is a research based comprehensive strategy to educate & retain early childhood practitioners, positively impacting outcomes for the children in their care.
Cultivate Learning
Early Learning Standards CANVAS Course

USBE has created 10 self paced CANVAS courses to assist teachers in learning the new standards. Get a deeper understanding of the new early learning standards and how to use them in the classroom. View flyer for more information.
Cultivate Learning
Cultivate Learning

Cultivate Learning is a University of Washington program committed to advancing the fields of early childhood education and expand learning opportunities through expertise and resources that bridge theory and practice.
Circle Time Magazine
Circle Time Magazine

Circle Time Magazine is a dynamic professional development web series and magazine for early childhood educators, parents, and providers that seeks to make Cultivate Learning's research accessible, friendly, and fun. 
Meaningful Makeover
Meaningful Makeover

Meaningful Makeover videos offer tips, visuals, and inexpensive solutions. Watch these educational environment experts as they team up with educators to dynamically make over early learning spaces.
Utah Registry for Professional Development
Utah Registry for Professional Development

Utah Professional Development Program for the State Licensed Early Childhood Educator.
NAEYC Online Professional Development
NAEYC Online Professional Development

NAEYC's online learning modules are created with early childhood educators in mind. Our catalogue of modules includes a variety of topics, each designed to provide practical tips and strategies you can bring to the classroom. 
Department of Workforce Services Office of Child Care
Department of Workforce Services Office of Childcare

Resources for childcare providers from networking and licensing to professional development.
Envision Utah
Envision Utah + Vroom

Envision Utah has partnered with Vroom to bring free, science-based resources to help professionals like you give children a great start and an even better future Show parents how they can use our fast, free Vroom tips to nurture their child’s learning and brain-building.
Care about Childcare
Care About Childcare - Providers

Resources for childcare providers from licensing, grants, guidlnes and training.
PEEP teaching strategies
PEEP in the Big Wide World Teaching Strategies

PEEP offers professional development for preschool educators on many different topics.
Virtual Lab School
Virtual Lab School

The Virtual Lab School empowers professionals as they build their knowledge and skills around research-based practices in child and youth care and development.
Project Learning Tree
Project Learning Tree

Project Learning Tree (PLT) is an award winning, multi-disciplinary environmental education curriculum program geared for non-formal and preK-12 educators.
National Association for the Education of Young Children NAEYC

WeAreTeachers offers inspiration for your lessons and loads of professional development resources for educators. Our mission is to promote innovation in education through collaboration and connection to the most effective classroom resources.
Utah Early Childhood Conference
Utah Early Childhood Conference

Early childhood professionals from Utah and surrounding areas gather every year to explore new ideas for creating communities where every child's potential is realized.
UEN Professional Development
UEN Professional Development

Courses for teachers to assist teaching with technology effectively in the classroom.
Fred Rogers Center
Fred Rogers Center

The Fred Rogers Center for early learning and children’s media at Saint Vincent College.
PBS Learning Media
PBS LearningMedia Professional Development

Discover new opportunities to enhance your teaching skills and advance your career.
Professional Family Care Association of Utah
Utah Private Child Care Association

The UPCCA is a nonprofit professional collaboration of those who own and operate licensed child care centers throughout the state of Utah.

Professional Organizations

Division for Early Childhood
Division for Early Childhood

Division for Early Childhood a division of the Council for Exceptional Children to your professional organizations on the preschool professionals resource site.
National Association for the Education of Young Children NAEYC
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)

NAEYC is a professional membership organization that works to promote high-quality early learning for all young children by connecting early childhood practice, policy, and research.
Reading Rockets: Research
Reading Rockets

A national multimedia project offering information and resources on how young kids learn to read, why so many struggle, and how caring adults can help.
Utah Association for the Education of Young Children
Utah Association for the Education of Young Children (UAEYC)

The Utah Association for the Education of Young Children is a professional organization supporting early childhood professionals in Utah.


The National Institute of Early Education Research
More Than Baby Talk

An article that touches on singing and playing, as well as reading and talking, to develop language skills for babies and toddlers.
The National Institute of Early Education Research
The National Institute of Early Education Research

Explore what happening with early childhood research across the country and even across the globe!
Child Care and Early Education Research Connections
Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

High quality research in child care and early education and the use of that research in policy making.
Pre-K Now
Pre-K Now

The Pew Charitable Trusts completed its 10-year campaign to advance high-quality, voluntary pre-kindergarten for all three- and four-year-olds in 2011.
ED.GOV - U.S. Department of Education

Find the latest information about ED's work in supporting our nation's youngest learners.
ECRP (Early Childhood Research & Practice)

ECRP is a bilingual Internet journal on the development, care, and education of young children.
National Education Association
National Education Association

The National Education Association, NEA, research on early childhood education.

Developmental Screenings

Developmental Screenings
Developmental Screenings

Knowing the developmental milestones children go through makes parenting easier. Knowing is as easy as doing a free developmental screening.
Ages and Stages Questionnaire
Ages and Stages Questionnaire

Complete the ASQ online or on paper and a Help Me Grow team member will contact you with the results, help answer your questions, and connect you to community resources.

Current News Topics

Childcare Impacts on Utah’s Workforce and State Economy

January 2023 report shows childcare issues result in an estimated $1.36 billion loss annually for Utah’s economy.
Productivity and the State Economy

Childcare is crucial for Utahʼs economic infrastructure and provides a stable foundation for Utah to continue to thrive as a business environment.
Education Week - Early Childhood

The latest news about early childhood, including articles, Commentaries, and special features.
New York Times Articles: Preschool Topics

News about preschool education, including commentary and archival articles published in The New York Times.
NCSL - Early Learning

Articles related to early STEM and literacy, dual- and English language learners, family engagement and more as it relates to Early Childhood Education.


Preschool Matters Today
Preschool Matters ... Today

The official blog of the National Institute for Early Education looks at today’s preschool issues in the context of research, policy implications, and practice.
Early Childhood Focus Blog
In the Classroom with Peep

Head Start teacher Denise Nelson blogs about using the Peep Explorer's Guide with her students in Worcester, Massachusetts.
Early Childhood Focus Blog
Teach Preschool

Teach Preschool promotes excellence in early childhood education professional development and practice.
Early Childhood Focus Blog UTAH
Learning and Teaching Preschoolers

On Learning And Teaching With Preschoolers goal is to spark the interest and nurture the minds of children, parents, and teachers.
Early Childhood Focus Blog UTAH
Preschool STEM

National Science Teachers Association discusses science, technology, engineering, and math-(STEM) for Preschool children.
Lovely Commotion

An Early learning blog with ideas for early learning activities and lessons.
Language Castle
Language Castle

An Early Learning blog focused on Dual Language Learning.

U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services

Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center
Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC)
The ECLKC is offered by the Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start.
American Indian/Alaska Native Tribal Head Start Programs
American Indian/Alaska Native (AIAN) Tribal Head Start Programs
The latest information on what has worked well and can be replicated in other Head Start Programs.
Dual Language Learners Head Start Programs
Dual Language Learners Toolkit

This toolkit provides resources that can be used to support young children who are learning their home languages and English.
Utah Head Start Association
Utah Head Start Association (UHSA)

An organization, linking Head Start programs in Utah. Resources available from members, consisting of a parent, friend, director, and staff from each agency.