Letters and Early Reading
PBS Reading Games
Games to help preschool kids with reading.
Alphabetical Order
Put the alphabet in the correct ABC order by clicking and dragging the letters. A fun way for kids to learn the alphabet.
Alphabet Matching
Alphabet Match is a fun activity where children must match letter sounds to beginning word sounds
Alphabats - Alliteration
Alphabats - Alliteration is a super fun way for kids to practice phonemic awareness.
Mother Goose Club Songs
A collection of imaginative and masterfully produced kids songs inspire joyful learning in children around the world
Starfall ABC
Pick the letter you want to learn more about at Starfall ABC.
Storyline Online
Storyline Online®, streams videos featuring celebrated actors reading children’s books alongside creatively produced illustrations.
Turtle Diary ABC Games
Aphabet games that you can use with your children to practice letters.